Payroll taxes

You, as a business owner, must understand that you and you alone are responsible for everything your business does. It does not matter if you are a sole-proprietorship, corporation, partnership, LLC, LLP, or any other form of business. As President, Secretary, Treasurer, partner, director, other "officer" of the business you have what is called a fiduciary (financial) responsibility to the company. It means you could be held financially liable for decisions you make. I am not going to get into the legalities of corporate or partnership protections within the law.


This blog and the attached pages are for my business as a Tax Resolution Service.

I spent 16 years in the US Air Force. During that time I worked several part time jobs (they really ended up be full time) that included door to door sales, car sales, insurance agent, real estate investor, hamburger flipper, convenience store clerk, small business consultant, and a lot more. I finally received an Associate Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelors in Business Management. After all that, I spent 17 years with the Internal Revenue Service as a Revenue Officer. So there it is. Basically, been there, done that.